Hey Y'all! How is everyone? I am doing pretty darned good! Shhhh.... don't say that too loud, right? I thank God every day that I haven't had an bleeding from my mouth, nose or wound area! Yay! I am taking extra meds like Iron, Potassium and even something my brother-in-laws Greg's youngest brother is involved with - a multi-vitamin pack called Life-Pack Nano! I've been off steroids for almost a week - I was on them for a long, long time, so I'm happy to be ok!
I just wanted to add something when I was talking about my great support system! Lately, Mark has been working late and worked all weekend, and I had been telling Mom that Hanz and Bella weren't getting their walk that Mark usually takes them on. I would love to take them myself, but since I had been so weak before and I really couldn't handle them on my own .... but Mom volunteered to help me walk Hanz and Bella! Wasn't that sweet of her? I didn't take her up on it, but I sure appreciated her thoughtfulness! Hanz gets really excited when we tell him we're going to Grandmas! Bella is too little to understand all the Grandma hub-bub, but she's always happy to see Mom! Mom even has a "Brussels Grandma" T-shirt! She takes that role seriously, and always asks about our furry kids and says to give them a big squeeze for her!
I had a little big of a rough night - was a little anxious and couldn't seem to get comfortable. Wasn't time for any meds, although I felt like taking something, but it was too close to the time to get up, so I didn't want to take something that would make it that much more difficult to get up when the alarm rang! Hanzie was right there with me - if I got up, he got up. If I went to the bathroom, he followed me over there. Such a sweetie! Bella slept through the whole thing, which is good. She and Mark don't need me taking their rest away! Speaking of, I'm heading to my evening nap! Mark is working a little late, but he'll probably get in with time to walk the kiddos. I need to check on Bella, her latest habit is running off with my rubber stamps! Mark moved a group of them from a lower shelf, but she found more that she could reach! She had the rubber stamp of a Brussels Griffon a bit ago! Yikes! Hanz didn't do that for long when he was little, so here's hoping we can break Bella of that habit!
My love to all of you!
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