Continuing ..... Well, since Mark has left my hospital room, now knowing that I'm ok and survivied that epsisode - he headed back to the hotel to get some sleep. Bless his heart, I know how hard all this is for him as well! I know I've got a keeper that won't let me down! Mark still surprises me with how much love and support he always shows me!
Of course now I'm not in any mood to go to sleep - well, I'm exhausted but I worry about a repeat performance of my last show! Got back in bed with my Nook, read a bit, slept a bit and this is when I was up until 5:30 a.m. watching "Up In the Air"! Got through the night and knew that in the morning I wanted to take a shower. Usually, my hair is matted with blood from the embolization, but not this time! I didn't feel well enough to shower and get a fresh gown on, so I just tried resting, and told the nurse I would shower in the morning before leaving.
The following morning, I was being good and letting Mark sleep in @ the hotel - we both knew Dr. Yakes P.A. Amanda, would be stopping by my hospital room anywhere between 9:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - when Mark walked in, holding 2 cups of coffee from Starbucks! This is my "treat" after having an embolization each time we go to CO! While enjoying our coffee, we got a visit from a local Chaplain that goes by P.J. - stopped by my room to offer some spiritual support! I told P.J. how lucky I am to have so many friends and family that support me in love and prayer!
This is now 3/1/11 and because of the past few days that I will l blog about - I had to take a break from writing. I needed to rest, regroup and I'm bored with my situation already, ha, ha!
The story continues ... we have a late flight, like 5:30 pm., but had just enough time to repack @ the hotel, go grab a bite to eat @ Ted's Montana Grill, where we got to visit w/our buddy Michelle - she is a super friendly waitress w/a huge heart that we have gotten to know! Michelle is always asking if there is anything she can offer us - a ride to the airport, a place to stay, anything! She is a doll! She never wants us to pay for our lunch either (but we alway sneak money on the table!) - after lunch and visiting w/Michelle, we headed to the car rental return. Got that taken care of and got on our flight to Dallas! Home, here we come! Or so we thought! We arrive in Dallas, TX w/plenty of time to board our continuing flight home to Corpus Christi - only to find that after sitting on the plane for over 30 minutes, were told to deplane, as there was no pilot to fly us home! NO WAY! I just wanted to get home to my own bed! I want to cry and be home already!! Before we had even boarded the plane, I had called our friends Jon/Felice in Dallas, since she had left me a voicemail concerned about this trip I had taken to CO for an emergency embolization! I had gotten no answer, and hoped to reach her soon. I never did try calling her again, because by the time we were given the bad news of being stuck another night in Dallas, it was too late to call anyone but family! The airline "booked" us into a Holiday Inn that had only ONE VAN to get us all to the hotel! Luckily, Mark got us one the first one that took off! We were able to get our luggage - but no dinner, even though we were given vouchers for breakfast the next day @ IHOP - which we heard were not honored! What was bothering me, was that I wanted my mist cup over my trache in order to get a good night's sleep and where is that? Oh yeah, at home! The first flight out in the morning would leave like 5 or 6 a.m. and I wanted to go for that! Mark wanted to at least get some sleep and possibly breakfast, so we opted for the 8 am flight. Ended up we got a few hours sleep, no breakfast and paid for a taxi ride in a Lincoln to the tune of $50! Finally got home on Wed. @ 9:30 a.m.! Whew! Got some rest, went and got a shorter haircut so I can zip in and out of the shower faster and prepared to go to work the next day!
Oh! Before I forget - part of the trama/drama of this, was that my babies were being taken care of by my dear friend Sylvia and her husband Randy and I wanted to see my kids! Sylvia was willing to drive them to the airport to us when we thought we were arriving before midnight, but as you now know, things didn't work out that way! Come to find - Sylvia was nice enough to sacrafice her lunch hour and meet us @ her house to pick up our kids on Wednesday. Sylvia had asked before whether our babies were "diggers" as far as being outside, but truthfully, we told her Hanz and Bella don't spend enough time outside for us to know that! Yet ... who do you think the troublemaker here was? Anybody, anybody ...? Sylvia says she got home one day and was calling out for Bella - only to find she had dug her way out of the back yard and down the street!!!! From what I understand, a neighbor was already bringing Bella back - OMG!!! Sylvia said she was thinking, "Oh no! They'll never let me watch their dog again"! In my mind I'm thinking, "You mean you're even considering watching our dogs again? Of course Hanz was a complete angel! He's mommies angel! Sylvia could not get over what a sweetie our Hanzie is! He takes after his mother, ha, ha!
Ok, so on to the next day - reported to work on Thursday, and was doing ok - met Mark for lunch and he had just asked how I was holding up. I had just told him that as long as I wouldn't bleed @ work, that I should be ok. I looked down to take a bite of the chips/beans we had just been served and guess what? I was bleeding. Made a run for the bathroom and Mark had the waitress checking on me a few minutes later. Meanwhile, blood is coming out my mouth and I'm getting globs of coagulated blood that I'm trying to pull out because I don't want to gag! Mark stepped into the bathroom and grabbed a roll of paper towels and was handing them to me to spit the blood in! He ended up having to ask for a plunger as I filled that bathroom sink up with blood! We had to empty that out twice - and somewhere in between, Mark called Celia to come help! Mark had an all day meeting @ work, and Celia took me back to my job after the bleeding stopped, so I could go get my cart full of meds and things! I took the rest of the day and the next off and headed home! Celia told me to rest and she started trying to clean up our place by washing dishes. Well, I had to pull @ one of the coagulated clumps that was still hanging on, and here comes another sink full of blood! OMG! I had just been given 2 units of blood in Colorado! Poor Celia, I hated her to witness what I was going through - it was awful! By this point Celia decided it was time to go to the emergency room! We live like 3 blocks away from a hospital, so we headed that way after calling my primary care physician. We wanted to get the quickest lab results for my blood count to see if I would need more blood or whether I would be ok, even though I had lost quite an amount! Celia said I was looking pale and I was feeling dizzy. Got to the ER, called Mark of course and finally told Mom, since we hadn't wanted to worry her. They all took turns waiting with me as we tried to find out what to do next. Their final answer was to be admitted to the hospital. No Way! I told them I had just gotten out of the hospital in CO, and if I needed blood, I could get it on an outpatient basis! I did not want to miss more work and since my blood count was not crucially low, I was allowed to go home and promised to come back if I had any more bleeding. Why is this happening @ this point? This avm is a monster that is alive! I feel I should be past this point by now! Of course I did not sleep well, w/the fear of impending doom!
I don't even know where I'm @ now - except that if I just don't bleed from my nose or inside my mouth, I will be ok! Spoke w/one of Dr. Yakes P.A.'s and asked why this was happening?! Well, her obvious answer was, "because you have an avm"! I just feel that by now, enough arteries would have been closed that these "bleeds" would not be happening!
I've decided to start listening to my body and not my mind. I'm trying to get some rest when it's time to rest and not try and stay up @ all hours trying to read all night or watch all my shows! I am trying to lead a normal life and nothing about my life is normal right now! The last couple of days, I have shut my Nook early and slept. I have ironed my clothes early and slept and given in to the meds! I'm done forcing myself to be Wonderwoman - just can't!
Had a little bit of a bleed @ work this moring - scary! Lasted about a minute, but enough to shake me up a little! Came home for lunch, just wanted a little egg taco and to lay down a bit, and Mark got a phone call as we were finishing lunch. A good friend passed away - the man that taught Mark the last of his carpentry skills, Mr. Joe Spencer passed away last night. Whew! Talk about a shake up! I went back to work, but came home an hour later. Between the minor bleed in the morning and what we heard happened with Joe - I could not function @ work today. Oh, and a choir friend had passed away a few days prior as well. Let us all love one another, live for today and don't take anyone/anything for granted! Love to all!
I may tweak this here and there - but that last photo is of Amanda and I in CO when she came by my room to sign my discharge papers! She called yesterday to see how I was doing. Said she told Dr. Yakes what had happened w/my bleeds, and he felt he was targeting those areas! Just want this avm gone so I can live each day to fullest! Gotta get some rest!
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