Hi Friends and Family! I've been wanting to sit and blog to fill you in on the latest happenings on this avm journey! Seems last week I started feeling some pain along my left jawline, and made an appt. to see my primary care physician on Wed., Feb. 7th. He started me on some oral antibiotics, but by that evening, my pain was great enough that I took the strongest pain killer I have - an Oxycontin. My doctor had already scheduled me to have a transfusion due to the several bleeds from my mouth I had earlier in the week. The following morning, Thursday, I took another Oxycontin before work and headed over to the Cancer Center to be cross matched for the transfusion I was scheduled for on Friday. After leaving the Cancer Center, I stopped by a convenience store to pick up a cappuccino and a cinnamon roll and headed to work.
I still need to talk to a couple of people @ the office to put the pieces together, but apparently I collapsed @ work, approx. 10:30 a.m. From what I understand @ this point, a supervisor was walking past my cubicle when he heard a noise and came to investigate. I must have hit my tailbone on the corner of my desk on the way down, because that is still hurting almost a week later! Next thing I know, that supervisor is asking me if I can hear him and I remember looking into his eyes, but it was just not registering! Everything happened so quickly, my friend and co-worker Diana A. called Mark and told him I had fallen and he needed to come to my office. Mark called Celia, my co-workers had called the paramedics that showed up w/an ambulance on the way! By this time, I struggled to get up off the floor and sat on my office chair. I didn't think it was necessary to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance, but the paramedics strongly suggested I be taken either to the hospital or to my doctor. Mark showed up and my supervisor Zan suggested I go sit in Administration on the couch until Mark was able to gather my things so we could leave. I remember Celia showing up in Administration and talking to me. Everyone was so helpful and acted so quickly! My supervisor Zan kept talking to me while Mark was getting my things, then I remember being wheeled out the front door in an office chair! Headed right to my doctors office and he immediately decided I needed to be admitted to the hospital. Since there was no room available right away, I was able to go home and lay down a while until the hospital called telling us the room was ready. I packed a bag and we headed out. All this was taking place on Thursday, Feb. 9th.
As you can imagine, I didn't get any rest that first night. I was immediately given 2 units of blood and started on IV antibiotics.
By the following day, my doctor strongly suggested I get a mediport put in, since I keep getting these infections, that way my IV Antibiotics would be administered through that. This would be taking the place of the pic line I used to have when I was getting outpatient antibiotics.
I'm continuing this several weeks later, so I'll try and condense it all. I ended up being stuck in the hospital for 5 days! I probably could have been let out earlier, but the weekend made it hard for my doctor to get everything lined up for me that I needed. I missed my furry babies soooo much! That was the hardest part for me! l was always torn between wanting Mark w/me @ the hospital, or sending him home to be with Hanz and Bella so they wouldn't be home alone too long!
I have the most fantastic friends and family! My family visited alot, and I got calls from friends! Got a surprise visit from my nephew Mark on Grammy night. I was just sitting around watching TV, when he walked in w/a gift bag in his hand. We had a fun visit and he had brought me the movie "Breaking Dawn Part I" that included a huge poster from their wedding made of fabric! I got Mark to help me put it up on the wall right away and got lots of comments on it from hospital staff!
Speaking of hospital staff, one of the nurses came in the next day and asked if some interns could come in and ask me some questions. I agreed to it and started telling them about my AVM. Next thing I know, they left and came back w/5 more students, including their teacher, so I had a room full of interns all asking me questions about my avm! The charge nurse walked in later and asked what was going on, so I replied, "Apparently I'm teaching a class"! I referred them all to this blog and to Shalons, so they can be aware of people that have avms! I had read a statistic somewhere that said a doctor can go his whole practice and never see anyone w/an AVM - so I really want to educate everyone about this, since it is so rare!
I'm now back to work and still trying to get rid of these pseudomonous infections I keep getting from the open wound I have on the left side of my face! The wound is looking really good and healing well, thanks to the fantastic wound care techs @ Dr.'s Regional Hospital! They are all extremely professional and courteous and always make me feel comfortable!
Celia and I will head to CO in less than 2 weeks for another of my embolizations! Here's hoping we have good weather - we don't like dealing with it snowing!! She and I always have fun - poor thing, she tries so hard to make me feel better for all the suffering I go through! The best part of her going with me, is knowing my babies are home with daddy! I'm hoping the trip after that, I can get my co-worker Cheryl D. to take care of the kiddos again for us while we're in CO! She has a beagle named Prince that got along well with Hanz and Bella! Cheryl has a rack of shoes in her living room that I fear for, knowing Bella like I do. Don't know how Bella mangages to always find something to chew on that she shouldn't be chewing on!!!!
I have to just mention how well Mark takes care of all of us! He puts in a full day of work, then after both of us rest a little when we get home, he administers my IV antibiotic, cooks a delicious dinner that he serves me, feeds Hanz, Bella and Midori (outdoor siamese cat) and then finally sits down to eat. I'm never feeling 100% and the last thing I want to do is clean up the kitchen, so Mark does that as well! The only thing I really can help w/around here right now is the laundry! Mark does his best to keep our household running while taking care of our little family! He bathes the dogs, cuts their hair, feeds them and takes time to chase them around with the toys they have in their mouth! Whenever time and weather allow, Mark takes them for a good walk in our neighborhood! I tried going w/them the other day and I was hard to keep up! Hanz and Bella are an important part of my recovery - they make me so happy and are very entertaining, so that keeps me going! Unfortunately, Hanz has a habit of climbing up my chest while I'm in bed, and his paw lands right on my mediport - ouch! He wants me to scratch his back - does he have me well trained or what? While I'm doing that, I'll say, "Oh my name is Hanz and I like my butt scratched"!They're so adorable, I've gotten in the habit of giving them a treat when I get in from work, so they expect it now and will jump all over me until they get it!
Ok, I've gone on long enough. Oh! One more thing - I finally made it to church last week and was happy to see many of my friends from Choir! They are all praying for me and I appreciate that so much! Love to everyone! Thank you for all your support, love and prayer!